
Sunday, December 07, 2003

An object at rest 

tends to gather dust bunnies. So, it is actually doing something, if something relatively useless. Giving sanctuary to homeless, unwanted dust bunnies could be commendable if seen in the right light - the right light being low enough to avoid seeing the dust bunnies at all. They say what I don't know won't hurt me. I hope they're right - someone must be right, mustn't they? I like being right, myself.

Dust bunnies are scary
small and grey and hairy
making fearsome shadows
in the flashlight beam shows

Ignorance is bliss, now
just avoid the knowhow
Don't ask and don't tell me
Don't look, see? It's easy

Pretend they are not there
Think about the March Hare
Anything but what's down
underneath the dark brown


Oops. That was a bit like haiku. Please forgive me for any coincidental resemblance to actual haiku, whether living or dead. It was purely unintentional, as is much of the content of this blog. It will be donated to science upon its demise.

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