Friday, December 05, 2003
Oh, it's beginning to look a lot like...
nothing, really. The sky should be black but it's dark grey with snow and clouds, and the snow is coming down hard enough that not much else is visible. Local schools let out two hours early this afternoon but my office did not. Two of us brushed off my car (thanks, Lori) and my 13-minute drive home took about an hour. There's an anomalous tropical storm raging in the Caribbean (the meteorologists on The Weather Channel are having a collective cow because it's five days past the end of hurricane season. I always wondered why the weather kept to such a strict schedule down there) and a blizzard is now forecast for the northeastern US where I am. So, it looks like the program for tomorrow is digging out, mopping up, tidying a bit, cobbling together some meals from the pantry and freezer and listening to/playing some music. Who says you can't get something for nothing? :) Or is it something *from* nothing? You definitely can't get something *from* nothing, so it must be the first one. I just re-read that and it doesn't look like what I meant. Anyway...that's the whole problem with the big bang theory and dark matter. No one can prove it exists but it must because otherwise the theory requires production of matter from nothing which is impossible. Silly rabbit - tricks are for kids. I have a bumper sticker that says the big bang theory is, "God spoke and - BANG! - it happened". At least that works without making anything up.