
Friday, January 21, 2005

I dare you to cheer me up!! 

Okay, not really. But I'm having a hard time sleeping because I was just hours ago told that yet another relative died and it's so sudden and so close on the heels of the other death and..it's my birthday and I'm not planning to remind anyone of that fact. It's not a particularly tragic death or momentus in the grand scheme, but it is upsetting and I can't stop weeping long enough to sleep. I bought some of those Two-Bite Brownies (they are not quite as good as my homemade, of course, but I don't like making my own brownies for myself for some reason) and that will be my one concession to the cancelled celebration. I will either be consoling others or letting others console me tonight and then more of the same during the predicted Big Storm of '05 tomorrow. So much for treating ourselves to sushi, which was my original plan. Ah, well. Sleep would be nice. Happy birthday to me.


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